Ahad, November 25, 2012

ANSYS R14 Installation Guide Using C***k

We do have our own excused why on earth we dared
to use pirated software. We already knew and been
told it could harm the operating system besides of the 
illegal status of being a user. 

OK, back to the topic, I would like to show you out
there the correct way to install ANSYS R14. I have
successfully installed it on 3 different computers and
that's include my laptop.

Hey, that was after a couples of failure using the 
provided instruction note inside the crack. What the
hell on earth they gave the wrong instruction. 

I have bought the software which comes with 2 DVDs, 
but then I copied it to my external hard disk for my
sake of convenience installation. But, still the procedures
would never affected the installation either way.



Sabtu, November 17, 2012


Lately, tah kenapa aku rasa malas sangat. Kalu ikut hati aku,
memang nak update blog aku nih. Then, bila bukak aje blog
aku tuh, huhhh....., masa tu jugak lah semangat malas tak 
hingat aku nih menjelma. So, aku pun logout je lah. Tell me, 
kalau ini bukan malas namanya. You see, ini pun dah malas 
aku rasa. And I have to put a fullstop here. Sorry beb...